Critical Thinking Seminars

Critical Thinking Seminars

  • Introduction to Critical Thinking (Monson 2017)

Professor: Shweta Singh

This course introduced us to the different aspects of critical thinking through largely western philosophical thought and logic. This course entailed 3 assignments.

    • Personal Essay

    • Position Paper

    • Argumentative Essay

  • Critical Thinking Seminar: Translation Based Writing Course (Spring 2018)

Professor : Arunava Sinha

This course dealt with deep critical thinking through different forms of translations. This course entailed 3 assignments

    • A feminist rendition of a classic: I worked with a section of Rabindranath Tagore's Choker Bali

    • A Literary Translation: I worked with a section of Sarat Chandra Chattopadhayay's Srikanto

    • What is a perfect translation? : I discussed this question through Tagore's Kabuliwala. You can read the paper here. This article has been published in a student run magazine at Jadavpur University called Elixir.

  • Animal Histories (Monsoon 2018)

Professor: Mahesh Rangarajan

This is a course that dealt with the history of animal-human interactions. The primary question of the course was whether there is a strict boundary between animals and humans, and if not where do they intersect. We read from a variety of schools from biologists, primatologists, to conservationists, and presented on two books assigned to us. The books I reviewed and presented on were:

    • Serengeti Shall Not Die; Bernhard and Michael Grzimek

    • The Story of Asia'a Lions; Divyabhanushingh